Historical Chart Gallery

Market Breadth Indicators

These charts show long-term historical trends for common market breadth measurements. These charts are updated every Friday evening. Members can click on these charts to see live versions - PRO members will see complete versions while other members will only see data from 1980 until now.

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1% EMA of NYSE Advance-Decline - 1927-Present

NYSE Advance-Decline Line - 1965-Present

NYSE Arms Index (TRIN) - 1965-Present

NYSE Intermediate Breadth and Volume Momentum - 1965-Present

NYSE McClellan Oscillators (Ratio Adjusted) - 1965-Present

NYSE McClellan Oscillators (Traditional) - 1926-Present

NYSE New Highs-New Lows - 1965-Present

Put/Call Ratio (10-day smoothing) - 1985-Present